Delivery times
- As a rule we need 5 - 15 working days. Each piece is made by hand.
- If you need it particularly quickly, please book the Turbo Express Service
- DELIVERY TIMES for pieces in 585 & 750 gold require 2-5 weeks
- We take care of your order immediately & exclusively
- Duration: Piece of jewelry in silver within 48 hours
- Duration: Gold plated pieces need 72 hours
- Express shipping with overnight courier is included in the price
- Shipping within Germany usually takes 1-2 days
- Shipping to Austria usually takes 2-3 days
- Shipping is carried out as an insured package with DHL
- If you prefer UPS: simply select UPS at checkout
- Shipping time to Switzerland is usually 3-7 working days. Due to possible customs clearance, shipping may take longer.
EXPRESS SHIPPING - fFor particularly fast shipping
- AFTER production express shipping is possible
- Your parcel is like this after the production time guaranteed on the next working day and there are no possible delays with DPD or UPS
- Please do this at checkout Express shipping choose
- This only applies to shipping. If the piece of jewelry is to be forged particularly quickly, please select the TURBO SERVICE book