The most beautiful wedding rings
Solid gold rings with engraving. Special wedding rings made of silver & gold. In the CAPULET jewelry workshop in Munich, the solid rings are all engraved as hammered rings forged by hand.
The gold rings from the CAPULET Munich goldsmiths are all individually hand-forged with own engraving hammered and forged.
Due to the hammered structure of the rings, the heavy gold rings and solid silver rings are also particularly suitable as wedding ring for men suitable.
On which finger to wear a wedding ring?
In Germany, wedding rings are traditionally usually worn on the ring finger of the right hand. Our neighbors in Austria and in many countries in Eastern and Northern Europe also tend to wear it on the right ring finger. However, in Switzerland, the Netherlands, France, the Mediterranean region and the USA, the opposite is true. While the ring finger remains the same, the choice of "wedding ring hand" varies culturally.
Ring on the left hand: the side of the heart
When married couples in France, Portugal or Switzerland wear their wedding rings on the left hand, they are - as is very well documented historically - following in the tradition of countless ancient lovers. Even the spouses in ancient Egypt and ancient Greece wore their wedding rings on the left ring finger.
In ancient Rome, only women wore a simple wedding or engagement ring, but they also preferred the left hand. The Romans believed that a special vein ran from the left ring finger to the heart, the so-called "vena amoris" - Latin for "vein of love". It therefore made sense to wear the wedding ring on the finger that had a direct connection to the lover's heart, so to speak. Incidentally, today's engagement rings are also often worn on the left in Germany in keeping with this tradition.
Engagement ring
A special engagement ring is the most important ring in a woman's life. At the CAPULET jewelry workshop in Munich, we specialize in engagement rings with diamonds and brilliant-cut diamonds. We also forge every ring with a brilliant-cut diamond as an individual engagement ring in rose gold or a special engagement ring in white gold. If you are looking for an engagement ring in Munich, you must visit the CAPULET jewelry workshop in Munich.
Find the right ring size
Finding the right ring size for a wedding ring or engagement ring is tricky. Because one ring size corresponds to one millimeter. This means that the ring size must be determined accurately.
You can find tips and tricks for measuring the right ring size here here
General information on the right ring size:
If the knuckle is slightly thicker than the upper phalanx, the wedding ring should go tightly over the knuckle so that it sits a little loosely behind it. The ring should not slip off your finger even if you shake your hand vigorously. If the upper phalanx is thicker, it should be measured as accurately as possible. For a particularly accurate measurement, a ring width gauge is recommended with rings in the preferred ring width. Make sure that the rings are approximately the same width as the wedding ring. A slight curvature on the inside - crowning - ensures good wearing comfort.
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